Tuesday 15 July 2014

Lost Temple Mount Ungaran, Semarang, Central Java

Candi Gedong Songo :  

The Lost Temple Mount Ungaran

Gedong Songo (nine buildings) is the name of the temple which is located in the hills of the mountains Unggaran. Gedong Songo located at an altitude of about 1,200 MPAs with temperatures around 19-27 ° C. Location Gedong Songo very easy to reach from many cities in the vicinity. Its location is a row of alternate paths Unggaran - Waterford. If the start of Semarang Adventurer enough south to City Unggaran - Bandungan - gedong Songo. Can travel with a journey time of 1 hour. If the can through the city of Yogyakarta Ambarawa (Monument Theater Ambarawa) - Bandungan - gedong Songo, journey time approximately 2 hours.

Gedong Songo located on the slopes of Mount Unggaran, at coordinates 110 ° 20'27 "E and 07 ° 14'3" S Darum village, Village Temple, District Bandungan, Semarang regency, Central Java Province. Gedong Songo derived from the Javanese, gedong (house / building) and Songo (nine) which means Nine (Group) Building. Are there since the beginning of this temple of nine groups? Or other means? Hmm, can not yet be answered. But this time there were only 5 of the temple complex.

Gedong Songo many similarities to the temples in Dieng is located in Banjarnegara district (next adventure). This temple complex is made from the bottom row to the top of the hills mengintari crater hot springs. Where in the Dieng temple complex also plenty of hot water crater which is not far from the center of the temple. Making the temples on the hill are symmetrical and show that the fusion of two local religious beliefs and cultural ancestors of the Hindu temple as a place where the gods lived. The temple is made ​​up buds similar to stone-age culture that is punden staircase steps. The principle is getting to the bottom of the peak, then the ancestor spirits closer to humans. Well, it merges the two cultures in Gedong Songo by defining as a sacrifice to the spirits of ancestors to carry out a procession in which the place is located in the temple complex is located on the hills.

Arca Arca-Gedong Songo temple complex made ​​in the 8th century AD is not yet complete. Statues encountered only a few are left, like Durga (Shiva's wife), Ghanesa (Son of Shiva), Agastya (A Receipt) And two bodyguards of Lord Shiva is Nandiswara and Mahakala who guarded the door of the temple.

Gedong Songo temple complex itself found by the Loten, in 1740. During the later, Rafles start record by giving the name gedong Pitoe (seven) have only found 7 groups of buildings around the year 1804. However new in 1925, Van Braam makes the presence of publication Unggaran temples around the hills. Then Friederich and Hopermans write about gedong Songo, and Van Stein Calefells conduct research around complex Gedong Songo in 1908. Around the year 1911 to 1912 Knebel take inventory of all gedong Songo temple complex.

In 1916, the Dutch government officially began doing research in the temple complex which handed the task at the time was by the Dutch Department of Antiquities. In 1928-1929, carried out the restoration of the temple gedong 1. Conducted from 1930 to 1932 year restoration on the temple gedong 2. Indonesian government begin restoration in the year 1977 to 1983, which restored the ancestral shrines in the temple complex of 3, 4 and 5. At that time performed the restoration was SPSP, the name was changed to the current Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall. In 2009 the Government of Indonesia began remapping all gedong Songo temple complex.

To go to the Songo gedong Adventurers must be careful in driving, because the road is narrow and winding. Especially when it rains, you should go slowly. After passing the entrance gate gedong Songo, please feel free to use low gear as the road is very uphill and narrow. When entering the increasingly uphill path around the village, particularly at the turn after parking outside the complex Gedong Songo. Many motorcycles and cars are overwhelmed and forced to stop in the middle because it is not strong to climb up again.

Upon entering the park, adventurers will be taken to the temple entrance. For local adventurers to pay Rp. 6000, - for a foreign adventurer ticket price of Rp. 25.000, -. Quite affordable with something later obtained. The first view Adventurers will be on a similar entrance gate of the temple, then walk for a while will meet with the place where the stage and I Songo temple complex gedong. Most of the adventurers will take pictures at the temple complex. For this one, and patiently queued Adventurers mandatory.
To reach the temple complex II, to be extra strong and adventurous spirit. It is located approximately 500 meters from the temple complex I. At this time, the manager of the temple gedong Songo create new lines separating lanes and paths Hikingers horse. Hikingers lanes will be steered to the right, past the hills and food stalls. Some Gazebo at the ready for the resting place of the weary adventurer climbed into the hills. The road was fairly clean because (sorry) no horse droppings here and there. For the horse track is on the left which are located rather far apart.

For the adventurer who is very tired and exhausted, can rent horses to the temples or all complete the entire temple. With prices ranging from about Rp. 25.000, - up to Rp. 70.000, - for mengintari entire temple complex. When in the second temple complex, Adventurers will feel the difference with the temple of unity. It lies at an altitude very good for eksplore history and take pictures. Same with the unity of the temple, the second temple complex also there is only 1 piece of the temple. Some of the former temple looks very ugly as it is not visible anymore. Whether not so, or 'secured' for a particular purpose.

Once satisfied with the second temple complex, just a few meters to the top. Adventurers will find that the third temple complex. This third temple complex consists of 3 complete enough temples adjacent to each other. If adventurers ever to Dieng, it will be found similarities with Arjuna temple complex in Dieng. With some upward conical temple and temple-shaped boxes of fruit in front of him. In this third temple complex there are several statues like Durga, Ganesha and Lord Shiva guards Nandiswara and Mahakala is located right next to the left door of the temple.

In front of the third temple complex there is also a hot steam coming from the boom. Business Gedong Songo has prepared a place for adventurers who enjoy the warm water and steam heat which is said to cure skin diseases. Only about 100 meters down, with streets that easily passed the adventurous can enjoy healthy fresh steam.

However petulang able to travel again to the fourth temple complex that is located a little away from the temple complex to the second and third. Just need to walk a few minutes mengintari hill, then pertualang will arrive at the temple complex to four. And the fifth temple is also not far away from the place. In the fifth temple complex, several buildings damaged temples appear as something that only a small temples were left.

Having tired of adventure, definitely feel hungry and thirsty. No problem, around gedong Songo or Bandungan many distinctive culinary Unggaran available. Adventurers can enjoy a delicious rabbit satay with reach into wallets of Rp. 15.000, -. wedang or drink (beverage) rounds warm. Adventurers can also enjoy typical Dressage Know Unggaran presented along with the warmth of sweet soya. Do not forget to buy sugar beans are available in nearby stores. Can also purchase a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in traditional markets Bandungan, then shopping ornamental variety of plants and flowers beautiful rare.

Contact Person :
Email : adi_saputro@hotmail.co.id
Skype : antonie.adam
YM      : antonie_adam
Tlp     : +6285743563167

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