Friday 1 August 2014

Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda, Bandung, West Java

Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda is a conservation area that integrates natural secondary forest plants with this type of Pine (Pinus merkusil) located in the sub-watershed Cikapundung Citarum which stretches from the waterfall Dago, Dago Pakar until Maribaya which is part of a group of mountain forests Pulosari , making Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda very well as the location and nature of tourism as well as a means for the development of environmental education. 

Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda is part of the Bandung basin area, has a historical background that is closely related to the ancient times to the present. Geologically the area is experiencing changes caused by natural turbulence within the formation of the universe. 

Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda area originally was part of a group that Pulosari Mount Forest Protected by the Minister of Agriculture No. 575 / kpts / Um / 8/1980 changed its function into the Natural Park (TWA) Dago waterfall. At the date January 14, 1985 to coincide with the birth of Mr. Ir. H. Juanda, Dago waterfall TWA officially changed into Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda Forest Park which is (Tahura) in Indonesia, based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 / M / 1985 dated January 12, 1985 on the Determination of the Nature Park Dago waterfall into Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda.

Netherlands Cave

Originally established as the area that is now Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda is a stretch of mountains from West to East which is a "natural giant water tank" for backup in the dry season. In the watershed area Cikapundung is in Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda built during the Dutch occupation Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) Crooked which is the first hydropower plant in Indonesia in 1918, in which the tunnel passes tufaan sandstone hills. 

During the Dutch occupation, Expert hills is very attractive to military strategy, due to its sheltered location and so close to downtown Bandung. Ahead of World War II in early 1941 Dutch military activity increased. In tunnels for hydroelectric power (hydropower) Crooked along 144 meters and 1.8 meters wide cave networks were built as many as 15 entrance hallway and 2 se-high 3.20 meters, the court used broad area of ​​0.6 hectares cave and extensive throughout the hallway following his cave is 548 meters. In addition to military activities, building Goa is used for telecommunications Dutch radio station, because the radio station at Mount Malabar open air, may not be protected and defended from air attack. 

Although ultimately unused optimally, but at the beginning of World War II from the radio station communication is Dutch War Commander Lieutenant General Ter Poorten by Vice Admiral Helfrich may be associated with the Fleet Commander Allied cave-Dutch-02Laksamana Young Karel Doorman to prevent the entry of the Navy Japan kingdom of transporting troops landed on the island of Java. Unfortunately this attempt failed and the whole army landed safely under the command of Lieutenant General Imamura Hitosi. 

Channel / tunnel cave network in the form of hills called Goa Netherlands. At the time of independence Goa is never worn or used as a powder magazine by the Indonesian army. Goa Netherlands today can be entered safely and used as a tourist place full of historical value.

Japan's Cave

March 10, 1942 with the official forces Dutch War dengen its civil government surrendered unconditionally to the Japanese Empire's armies with a simple ceremony at London City Hall. After the ceremony Dutch War Commander Lieutenant General Ter Poorten and Governor General Van Stakenborgh Tjarda captive in Mansyuria until World War II ended. 

Dutch military installations, the Japanese army occupied the whole building network Goa for necessary defense expert, which is located not far from Goa Netherlands. It is said that the construction of this cave made ​​by forced labor at that time called "Romusa" or "nala karta". This additional cave contained in the hills Experts precisely located in Forest Park Ir region. H. Juanda has 4 doors and 2 air ducts. Judging from the location and shape Goa is expected related to the military and strategic function. The hallways and rooms contained in Goa can be used as a headquarters, as well as storage and logistics equipment. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, the expert is now Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda used to to promote the interests of the military and closed to the public. 

Additional cave was built during the Japanese occupation of Japan called Goa. Goa Japan today can be entered safely and used as a tourist spot because of its natural surroundings full of charms very beautiful and has historical value.

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